1. "Your are the only Bible, that some people will ever read.."
This is an oldie, but a consistent one. This implies that your witness, your life, will make or break someone's status into sainthood. The idea that someone looks at me or anyone else and says," You know, that guy has it all together. I think he said he is a Christian. Yeah, I want to be like that." is absolutely wrong on so many levels. First of all, nobody has it all together. Secondly,before I was a Christian,I was attracted to a person's confession-not their competency.(No Strings attached-Pastor Tullian).Let's face it, no one is so competent that I would ask why. Lastly, my lifestyle and attitude doesn't save anyone.
The Problem: If you imply to a new Christian that this is what Christianity is all about-your competency-this is a recipe for disaster. Why? Because it's not true. Christianity is not about the betterment of the redeemed, but the perfection of the Redeemer. BIG DIFFERENCE. You want to put a burden on someone? Imply this statement..over and over again. In my experience, this creates self-righteousness in leadership and despair in the flock. I wish I could remember who posted this, so I could give them credit- I believe it was Dan Price of "Christ Hold Fast"who said, " You are the only Bible, that some people will ever read..Good, because I'm as screwed up as most of the people in the Bible." That's the point. Am I implying that obedience is not important?, No. As one of my Gospel friends,(who I can't remember again-sorry), pointed out: "My obedience is worth talking about. When it exceeds my Savior's obedience-it's no longer a Christian conversation". Enough said.
2. "Direction, not Perfection.."

3. "You have to strive to excel in your walk, this is how we measure growth.."
4. "It's important that you speak from a position of strength in your walk.."

You get the point. Christianity is about the Christian. It is about the performance of the Christian. I find it interesting, that what we are told to improve, build up, and work on, is the very thing that distances us from God. Kathleen Miles puts it this way: "When transformation is viewed as proof of our faith, we can't help but to become fakes, phonies, and liars."Why? Because we are sinners. Natural lovers of self. When we focus on our performance, it leads to comparison between sinners. When comparison is present, transparency evaporates. It becomes about OUR strength..and we boast in it..or we shame others for their lack of it.Quite the opposite of 2 Cor. 12:9, which says can boast in our weakness, because of His strength. We forget it's not Our righteousness we possess..it's His.
Here's the thing Christian. We all want to grow, mature, and be Christ-like. I get it. I do too. The question is HOW do we do this..by focusing on the sinner and asking for power? Or by, focusing on the Savior and reveling in His Grace? I submit that the Power that we beg God for, we already have..walk in it..You want to Grow? Die to self. Want to be mature? Love your neighbor.Jesus said "His burden is light.." in Matthew 11:30. If the Christian life is burdensome, heavy. It's not from Him. Maybe it's from trying to please a God that is already pleased with His Son for you. Maybe it's trying to measure up and be accepted by a God who said, "It is Finished." If you are in Christ. If you are a believer in Christ. You are free. Free from trying to get, take, achieve, and overcome. Your King did what you could never do FOR you 2,000 years ago..He loves you that much. Now you are free. Free to love, and give grace to those who don't want or deserve it..like God does for you everyday. Contrary to popular belief, because Jesus has done EVERYTHING for me..does not promote apathy, or laziness in me. Quite the opposite happens..I focus on HIS goodness, not my feeble attempts to overcome. I focus on loving my neighbor, not whether my neighbor is measuring up. You want to be Christ-like? " Love one another as I have loved you." John 13:34. You want to be obedient? "Love One Another, and everyone will know you are mine." John 13:35. Compare this with the above phrases..it's hard to love your neighbor, when you are focusing on why you aren't good enough to tell them the good news..or why they aren't good enough to share it with..
Obedience is important. It's an act of worship. I obey because I'm forgiven. Accepted. New. I obey out of Love for my King, not fear of my King. I obey, not out of obligation, but because He loves me enough to die for me..What a King..I'm free not to sin..I'm free to love others and forgive..not because of my effort to do these things..but because of His effort that Accomplished these things..