Tuesday, January 20, 2015


We are a fragile bunch. Misfits. Ragamuffins. A mess really. This band of insecure, scared, beat -up, bedraggled followers of a carpenter from Nazareth. But we stand. We slowly move forward..clinging to a blood stained cross that tells us the exact opposite of how we often feel about ourselves.

God's grace gripped me less than a year ago and I will NEVER be the same. It changed literally everything in my life. Jesus has a way of doing that..It changed how I viewed my marriage, my parenting, my business, relationships, the world and church. It also did something very unexpected in my hard, selfish, self preserving heart. Grace gave me a longing, a love, a kinship, for other gospel misfits. A desire to seek them out and share with them how God wasn't what I thought He was..that I have Good News..He has come to set the captives free,(Luke 4:18).

God allowed me to find these fellow sojourners, in a very unlikely place-Social Media. I really don't know how it started..a tweet post. A blog. But it spoke to my inner being. "Hey, I'm not alone." The words they spoke, the stories they told, revealed a God who was not mad at me. It spoke to me of a unashamed love for the King, and a willingness to admit,"Yes..I know..me too..It's okay..see my scars?..yes they look like yours..let me tell you of a man who knows everything about me.." They are my posse.My Gospel Posse. 

I am forever grateful for them. I have learned of God's love for me and have learned the meaning of John 13:34-35," A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, you must love one another. By this, everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." They encourage one another. Support one another. Laugh and sometimes cry with each other. And I love them. Not in the Christian ease love them sort of way..no..they are my brothers and sisters..and I love them,,am protective of them.. and hurt when they hurt. Strange..this love..for people I have not even met in person..Jesus has a way of doing that..

I am a father of three children..wonderful kids, who I worry I am permeating with my insecurities. I worry that my fear of acceptance, of never measuring up, will be their fears. But there is grace for that.. I have 2 daughters age 15 and 10..and my "little oops" son of 7. Great kids..they really are. But I worry about my girls..I want them to know strong women in the Lord, who are unashamed of the gospel. I want them to know of God's unconditional love for them. That being a Godly woman consists of who they are in Christ..not what they wear, or what music they listen to..That Jesus loves them and made them for Him..Where?..Lord..Where? Where are these women of courage I can show my girls? And what about my wife? She has been through years of being taught information about what it means to be a godly wife, what the Bible teaches of "godly womanhood", that quite frankly looks like an amish boot camp, than anything the Bible teaches. Years of "Women Bible Studies", that left her frustrated, depressed, and flat out discouraged. Where? Where Lord? They yearn, desire for female fellowship that I can't give them..

This has been on my heart for awhile. God has led me to a group of ladies that are unrelenting for their love of the King and the gospel. I have commented on their posts and told them how helpful and encouraging their words have been to me and my family, but I feel they need to be recognized, not to "take a bow", but for a couple of reasons. 1. They are what, I believe, epitomizes godly women that I can refer to my wife and daughters. 2. I have grown to respect them in the Lord, as I see how they relentlessly press on for the sake of the gospel, many times in the face of adversity. They are not perfect. They have flaws and bad days, struggles, and doubts. And they, as Steve Brown would say, "Smell like Jesus". These are women I respect so much..I point and say to my girls,"See? See how God is using them and that you can be strong in the Lord in your weakness?" These wonderful examples of humility, vulnerability, passion, courage, talent..and LOVE. Women, that "hold fast to the gospel", many times in very difficult, abrasive, and sometimes just mean opposition to them and the message they preach. Women I am proud to call sisters. Women who point the way for other Christian girls and women..to the grace and love of Jesus..and if I am honest..point me there too..Thank you ladies..I would like to mention them to you, not just to give a shout out..but so that you can listen to them, and show other "beggars"and your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, that there are some incredible gospel filled women who "have been there, done that". You are safe here ladies..So..with that, here is by no means an exhausted list, as I am meeting new sisters everyday..so if anyone has been left out, know it was not because you have not touched my heart. It's because I may not know you as well..yet..thanks for your grace in advance.

I would like to mention a web site that I visit and also have referred Christian sisters to for great information, encouragement, and support. By the way, this is as much for guys as gals, but it IS a great womens' ministry: Dropping Keys at www.dropping-keys.com.  A great resource for women based gospel information.
Kimm Crandall-Kimm Crandall.com  and Dropping Keys
Kathleen Miles-kjoymiles.blogspot.com
Lauren Larkin-LaurenRELarkin.com
Callie Skokos-runningpretty.com/blog
Sarah Taras-Sarahtaras.com
Marci Preheim-marcipreheim.com
Jeanne Hulme-themysteriesofgrace.wordpress.com
Jessica Thompson-givethemgrace.com
Lori Harding-lorileighharding.blogspot.com
Christina Hernandez-christinamariehernandez.wordpress.com
Elyse Fitzpatrick-elysefitzpatrick.com

There are others who have influenced me with their posts and encouragement, that are not mentioned here simply because they don't blog or have a website, but I am also very thankful for-Susan Adams, DeAnn Bower, and Middle Casey come to mind..again thanks.

I hope you take some time and check out what these women have to offer. Especially those Christian ladies that may be feeling alone..frustrated..and a little scared..you are NOT alone. Come meet some of my fierce sisters and hang on tight! Their stories and words will give you wings..Jesus has a way of doing that..


  1. Wow, I just saw this today. Thank you so much for including me - it is very humbling to see my name on this list. I'm just a fellow struggler along the way. Your girls are in good hands my friend :)


    p.s. are you on twitter?

  2. Ha! just saw this!.yes am on Twitter..
