Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I Saw God Today..Just a Glimpse

The call went out to all the land of a brother in need of prayer. A brother having a tough go of it all. It all-called life, with it's crazy relationships, selfish demands. I pulled over from driving to respond on my phone to the deliver of the "call". Yes. I would pray. I pulled over my vehicle and I prayed. And I cried. A near 50 year old man, crying like a baby for a person I barely knew. But, oh how I love him. I hurt for my friend, I hardly know at all. So I cried. I cried to God and told Him how much I loved him. I cried out to God for him.." God, remember he is Your son..help him.." Instantly, I felt a bit foolish..as a whisper gently..but firmly spoke to me..

" Do you think I have forgotten him? Do you think I don't know you love him? Did you forget..my son..that I actually do know him? I've known him before the foundations of the world, and I call him by name..a name I know him by.. That I love him too..I love him with a love you can only get a glimpse of..It's no laughing matter or passing thought for me, you know.. This love..I love him so much I sent My Son to die for him..Oh, I am quite serious about all this. I am quite serious about your friend, my adopted son. Do you not think that I weep for him..or you? My Son emptied  Himself for you on that cross..and still does..for him..and you.. No, I didn't forget my boy..he fills my thoughts..because I bought him..with blood..and he is mine..By the way, it's good that you cry..I see you are embarrassed and surprised by it. Surprised to feel so deeply for another..I know..that is the glimpse I was talking to you about..It's from me, you know..that love you so deeply feel. It's a glimpse of my love for mine. Just a glimpse..So cry boy..it's ok.I cried for my Son and I cry for him too. Just remember..I am quite serious about all this..

Yes. I shut my mouth..I have no idea of this love..just a glimpse..and I fall at your feet for allowing me this glimpse..even for a moment. I worship your name, your holiness, your faithfulness..and your love for him..for me. I am thankful to know a love like this, a love I don't fully understand, that I cannot fully give, that I cling to..only to find out ..it is your love clinging to me..and to him. I am thankful you gave me this love..that it was only possible because you loved me first..and deeply. I saw you today God..and I am thankful..thankful..thankful..

Can I get a witness?

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